Wireless communications simplified

Professional sensors for home and business. Monitoring services for home an business. Devices for the hobbest and Projects for the beginner.

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Blog posts

Using Orange Pi with JemRF Products

Using Orange Pi with JemRF Products

Use  Orange Pi Zero 2 as IoT Gateway Host Reviewing the hardware designs of most of the Orange Pi single board computers the critical top 10 pins ...
Use ESP-32 as an alternative to Raspberry Pi

Use ESP-32 as an alternative to Raspberry Pi

DescriptionThe ESP-32 is a versatile board with WIFI and Blue-tooth, and is big brother of the ESP8266 chip from Esspressif Systems that took the w...
Radio Controlled Displays

Radio Controlled Displays

We are working on adding support for the MAX7219 chip on our Flex RF module. This enables you to drive signage remotely using the Flex's ability t...
Blynk - The most popular mobile app for IoT - now integrated with JemRF

Blynk - The most popular mobile app for IoT - now integrated with JemRF

  We recently finished an integration of our RF sensors with Blynk who identify themselves as the most popular mobile app for IoT. As you can see ...
How to use the FLEX module for remote control

How to use the FLEX module for remote control

The FLEX radio module can be used as a wireless sensor node transmitting sensor values (like temperature, humidity and alarm triggers) but it can a...
Wireless Message Monitor with LCD Display

Wireless Message Monitor with LCD Display

  We are doing some research into IoT hubs looking for potential replacements for the Raspberry Pi, which is our most prominent gateway to the int...
